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Pet overpopulation can be directly attributed to the number of unaltered dogs and cats. As a veterinarian, I look at this information as an opportunity to “fix” the problem, literally. ~ Dr. Kelly Harrison DVM (Veterinary Program Manager at PetSmart Charities). An estimated 8 million cats and dogs enter U.S. shelters every year. Only half will go on to find their forever homes. 


High-quality, high-volume spay/neuter clinics (HQHVSN) provide high-quality medical and surgical care for pets undergoing spay/neuter surgery. HQHVSN clinics are highly efficient and follow set protocols to maintain safety and standards*. Humane Alliance (HA), a national spay/neuter education center, provides specialized training in spay/neuter surgery to veterinarians, veterinary students and technical staff. The HA model focuses on efficient spay/neuter techniques and processes that enable clinics to perform a large number of safe, high-quality surgeries at low cost. 


Pets can get pregnant as young as 4 months old. But research shows that dogs and cats can be safely spayed or neutered at 2 months of age or 2 pounds in weight.


SPAY FLORIDA (member of the United Spay Alliance) connects you with low-cost spay/neuter clinics in your community. These specialized clinics will provide your pet with high-quality care at an affordable price. Most of the clinics listed are Non-Profit (they charge the pet parents what it costs THEM / No additional or hidden fees), many of the clinics listed have been trained & certified by the Humane Alliance, and a few are private vets (not trainned as high volue /low cost) extending their services to the community a limited number of services a lower rates than their usual (private vet/for profit) fees.


Clinic on the map below (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) to find a reasonable cost clinic in your County. 





























* Humane Alliance adheres to the standards for Spay/Neuter Medical Care Guidelines developed in 2008 by the Association of Shelter Veterinarians' Veterinary Task Force to Advance Spay/Neuter.


Would you like your clinic listed? If you are a low-cost spay/neuter provider, or know of one that is not in this database, please e-mail us for consideration. Submission does not guarantee listing.


map under construction


Research shows that 72% of people did not know the best time to fix their pet, or thought they should wait until six months.* 59% of those cat owners, and 38% of those dog owners, also admitted to having at least one accidental litter. Many of these "oops" litters end up in overcrowded shelters.



High-quality, high-volume spay/neuter (HQHVSN) clinics offer accessible and affordable services for pets who otherwise might not receive veterinary care. Our goal is to providing caretakers a statewide listing of affordable sterlization & welllness services provided by HQHVSN clinics, sterilization / vaccination of homeless cats, limited time specials / offers (Grant Funded Lower Rates),  & "regular" vets providing day/date-specific low cost services.




Low Cost clinics play a vital role in saving pets’ lives. Thousands of companion animals get sacrificed at Open Admission Shelters & pounds daily. Low Cost clinics save lives by preventing unwanted litters, the number of pets entering shelters decrease, and ultimately, so will the rate of "euthanasia".

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