Special Offers
Special offers limited to offers extending for a limited time, species, zip code (proof of residence may be required) and/or breed (as per GRANT specifications/restrictions).
$25 Community Cat Mondays! $25 Spay/Neuter/Rabies/Ear Tip at Operation Spay Bay.
This special service is only for strays (friendly, homeless cats with no owner) or feral
(wild cats which you are unable to pet or handle). Feral (wild) cats must come in a trap for the safety of the cat and our staff. Friendly strays in size-appropriate carriers. For regular Feral Fees (Tue/ Wed) visit http://spaybay.com/community-cats
Residents and caregivers of unowned feral and community cats can apply and receive a voucher in order to get feral /
community cats spayed/neutered. To receive a TNR sterilization voucher, please access Broward County Animal Care
& Adoption's WebPortal to begin the application process. for more info visit http://www.broward.org/Animal/ProgramsServices/Pages/Broward-Pet-Fix.aspx
Community Cat Sterilization - Reservation REQUIRED
For reservation email MeowMobile@thecatnetwork.org
Check in is at 8:00 a.m. for all events. Please keep in mind, that all feral cats MUST be brought in humane cat traps to be spayed or neutered. http://thecatnetwork.org/help-a-cat/spayneuter/meow-mobile/schedule/
The Humane Society of Tampa Bay offers a $20 TNVR services for outdoor cats, owned or ferals. Space is limited and appointments are required. Please call 813-870-3304 to schedule your appointments.. for more info go to https://humanesocietytampa.org/feralcats/
ALWAYS $38 feral cat sterilization at the Animal Coalition Tampa (www.actampa.org) located at 18501 Ladue Lane; Tampa FL 33614 To schedule at appointment, call (813) 250-3900 OR schedule requests via their website's link. Rates include sterilization, vaccinations, dewormer, flea / ear mite treatment. No appointment necessary. cats MUST be in humane cat traps.
* Would you like your clinic listed? If you are a low-cost spay/neuter provider, or know of one that is not in this database, please e-mail us SpayFlorida@gmail.com for consideration. Submission does not guarantee listing.

Research shows that 72% of people did not know the best time to fix their pet, or thought they should wait until six months.* 59% of those cat owners, and 38% of those dog owners, also admitted to having at least one accidental litter. Many of these "oops" litters end up in overcrowded shelters.
High-quality, high-volume spay/neuter (HQHVSN) clinics offer accessible and affordable services for pets who otherwise might not receive veterinary care. Our goal is to providing caretakers a statewide listing of affordable sterlization & welllness services provided by HQHVSN clinics, sterilization / vaccination of homeless cats, limited time specials / offers (Grant Funded Lower Rates), & "regular" vets providing day/date-specific low cost services.
Low Cost clinics play a vital role in saving pets’ lives. Thousands of companion animals get sacrificed at Open Admission Shelters & pounds daily. Low Cost clinics save lives by preventing unwanted litters, the number of pets entering shelters decrease, and ultimately, so will the rate of "euthanasia".